Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pina Colada

Again, this is a Stafford family tradition on Thanksgiving. I always looked forward to getting to Grandma's and having some of this pina colada. I love the way the frozen juice flakes off into the drink. So yummy...
Pina Colada
1 box of Tropicana pineapple juice
3 packets of Maggi Coconut milk powder
1 1/2 c. water
2 litre of Sprite

Combine the coconut milk powder with the 1 1/2 c. water. Stir till it's thoroughly combined. Pour whole box of pineapple juice and coconut milk into a bundt pan and freeze it. When you're ready to serve, place the bundt pan in a bowl of warm water to loosen the ring. Place the frozen ring in a punch bowl or serving bowl, and pour the sprite over the top!

So I did this last year with the boxed coconut milk, and it just wasn't quite right. My grandmother actually uses a small can of coconut cream, but I have not been able to find any coconut cream here. This year I'm trying the thick milk using the powder, we'll see how it goes! If any of you know where or how to get coconut cream, please let me know! : )

1 comment:

  1. We can get a coconut cream/milk in the small boxes like the tomato puree, amul cream, and other such items come in. I believe it is in a yellow and white box. We are out of town or I would go look at the brand name and details for you. Sorry.



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