Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Slice a Mango (and Kitchen Gadget Must-Have)

I never bought mangos before moving to South Asia. But here, we eat them weekly, sometimes daily.  A friend from the US sent me this mango slicer, and I'm tellin' ya, it's worth the $15. : )

 It was always hard to find the pit when I was trying to slice the sides off with a knife.  This thing, it doesn't matter the size of the mango, the bulk of it, or anything.  It just slices right down the sides of the pit in no time.  I. love. it.

So, I learned how to remove the flesh of the mango from a Slice! bill board.  No joke!  When we first arrived, we had lunch with some field veterans who sliced their mangos in half, like around the "waist" of the mango, popped the top half off the pit and ate it with a spoon out of the skin.  I thought there surely had to be a different way to do it, but always struggled to slice the flesh out.  Then I saw the Slice!  bill board with the cubes cut into it, like so:
 and inverted, like so:

From here, you just slide your knife under each cube to cut it out.  Easy, easy.  I'm sure everyone knows this already, or has their own method, but since I was sharing the mango slicer, I though, why not? : )

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