Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Place to Share Recipes!

I've been living in India for two and a half years now, and in that time, I've had to learn how to cook. I thought I knew how to cook from scratch in the US, but I was so so wrong! :) In the states we used to eat meat almost every night for dinner, but here we've begun to eat more vegetarian meals. I've had to figure out how to make things without certain ingredients that are easy to find at Walmart, but impossible to find here. I know there's lots of other women and moms in my boat, living abroad, trying to figure out how to cook food that is healthy and you are happy to serve your family, without stressing yourself out.

I'm hoping this will become an information-sharing place. I'd LOVE for you to send me your recipes of things you've found that work here using locally available ingredients. I will try to always post recipes that only call for things that are easy to find, but occasionally may post things with ingredients from the states that I try to keep on hand through friends and family sending them or bringing them. My goal is to start with a few standby recipes, and then post one recipe a week and have things categorized to make it easy for you to find what you're looking for. Hopefully in a few months we'll have a good selection of things for you to choose from.

Any comments and suggestions are welcome! Let me know if you've got some ideas of recipes you want to see on here or things you're looking for! Also, if you are new to South Asia and don't know what a certain ingredient is called in Hindi or things I may take for granted at this point, like how to use a pressure cooker to cook beans, then just leave a comment or email me directly with your questions. There is no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to cooking. :)


1 comment:

  1. I must be completely blind. I can't find your email address anywhere??



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